全球网赌十大网站 campus is spread over 500 acres in a valley surrounded by the Allegheny foothills of southwestern New York state, 这个地区被称为南部地区. The university is accessible by car, bus or commercial airlines, which land in Buffalo, N.Y.和伊利. Pa.
St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学校园地图
For an enlargeable PDF offering an expanded view of the map and key, 点击这里.
为Bona Bound
Below are travel times and highway directions from a number of starting points in the Northeast. 全球网赌十大网站校园 is situated between the village of Allegany and the city of Olean on Route 417, 高速公路, which is an extension of West 州圣reet from the city of Olean.
The main campus entrance is at the intersection of Route 417 and Constitution Avenue, 就在乡村旅馆对面 & 套房. The entrance is about two miles from exits 24 or 25 of Interstate 86. Upon entering campus, there is a vehicle pull-off spot and a lighted map to direct you.
注意: All of the directions below bring you to St. 博纳旺蒂尔 via Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17). 你可以在24号或25号出口从86号州际公路出口出来. Following are directions to campus from both exits:
从24号出口: 在出口匝道尽头右转. At end of road, turn left onto Route 417 East. Stay on 417 for about 2 miles (through village of Allegany). 校园就在你的右边.
从25号出口: At end of exit ramp, turn left onto Buffalo Street. Go about a mile and turn right onto Constitution Avenue (Intandem office facility is located at this corner). Follow Constitution to its end, at the main entrance to campus.
South on Route 219 to Salamanca, then east on Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17) to exit 24. 参见上面24号出口方向.
- South on Route 400, which turns into Route 16. Follow 16 to Hinsdale, then take Interstate 86 West to Exit 25. 参见上面25号出口方向.
来自纽约州纽约.Y.: 6小时
Across the George Washington Bridge to I-80 West. 沿着80号州际公路西走,直到380号州际公路北走, then go north on Route I-81 to Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17). 沿86号州际公路往西走,到24号出口. 参见上面的出口24.
来自宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡.: 4小时
North on Route 79 to Route I-80, then east on Route I-80 to Route 219. Take Route 219 North to Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17), then go east on I-86 to exit 24. 参见上面的出口24.
South on Route I-390 to Dansville, then take Route 36 South to Arkport. Take Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17) West to exit 24. 参见上面的出口24.
I-90号公路向西行驶.Y.S. 高速公路)到日内瓦,N.Y.然后沿14号公路向南到54号公路. Take Route 54 South to Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17), then go west to exit 24. 参见上面的出口24.
来自纽约州奥尔巴尼.Y.: 5小时
I-90号公路向西行驶.Y.南高速公路)至88号公路南(宾厄姆顿), then take Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17) West to exit 24. 参见上面的出口24.
Take Route I-80 West to Route 380 West to Scranton, Pa. 接I-81号公路北至纽约州宾厄姆顿.Y., then take Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17) West to exit 24. 参见上面的出口24.
来自宾夕法尼亚州费城.: 6.5个小时
乘Pa的NE延长线(476号公路). 到宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿最后一个出口的收费公路., then pick up Route I-81 North to Binghamton, N.Y. Take Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17) West to exit 24. 参见上面的出口24.
来自宾夕法尼亚州伊利.: 1.5个小时
East on Route I-90 to Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17), then east on I-86 to exit 24. 参见上面的出口24.
East on Route I-90 to Route 17 (I-86), then east on Route 17 (I-86) to exit 24. 参见上面的出口24.
来自康涅狄格州丹伯里.: 6小时
沿着I-84号公路向西行驶,前往新泽西州布鲁斯特.Y., then take Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17) West to exit 24. 参见上面的出口24.
来自华盛顿特区.C.: 6小时
走270号公路向北到15号公路. 沿着15号公路向北到康宁.Y., then pick up Interstate 86 (formerly Route 17) West to exit 24. 参见上面的出口24.
乘坐QEW到纽约州布法罗.Y., then I-190 to I-90 (Thruway) to Route 219 South. Follow Route 219 to Salamanca, then take I-86 East toward Olean. 从alleany的24号出口出发. 参见上面的出口24.
Bus runs to and from 布法罗尼亚加拉国际机场
在工作日, Coach USA operates a bus from Olean to 布法罗尼亚加拉国际机场 three times a day. 公共汽车从301路出发. 联盟圣. 在Olean. There are two runs each Saturday, and one run on Sundays and holidays.
The bus takes riders to the airport and to downtown Buffalo. Some runs stop first at the airport, others stop first downtown, then continue on to the airport. The cost for travel to the airport is $10 if the bus stops there first, 如果它先停在市中心,就12美元.